Corso di Laurea Magistrale  Sistemi Informativi Territoriali e Telerilevamento
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Curriculum Vitae 

Luigi di Prinzio. From 1972 is teaching assistant of the chair of Urbanistica of Giovanni Astengo at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV), and from 1978 is associate professor at  IUAV University. From 1978 pioneered the use of information technologies for land  management, carrying out both explorative and applied research on the subject. He conducts many experimental and innovative agreements among  IUAV and various Government Bodies, and he is the chair for the concerning reports published by the DAEST Department. From the beginning of ’80 focused his research interests on Geographical Information Systems, particularly conducing empiric experiments by promoting and managing further agreements among IUAV and Government Bodies on the subject of Information Technology for Land Management. These results have been published in the proceedings of the main international conferences. From 1990 promotes the Bachelor’s degree in “Sistemi Informativi Territoriali” , which has been activated for the first time in Italy in 1994 by the IUAV University, and  subsequently have been selected for the European Project eCampus by the “Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane (Crui)”. He actually leads the “Filiera in Sistemi Informativi Territoriali” of the IUAV University, which is composed by the Master’s Degree in  “Sistemi Informativi Territoriali”, the Doctorate in ““New Technologies for land-environment knowledge”, and the Professional Degree in “Sistemi Informativi Territoriali” for graduates.  He is also the italian coordinator for the UNIGIS network for the GIS distance learning.